| TORRANCE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, January 14, 2025 |
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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Manager’s office at (310) 618-5880. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28CFR35.102-35.104 ADA Title II] | ||
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Direct questions or concerns to the City Council at (310) 618-2801, City Manager at (310) 618-5880, or the individual department head prior to submission to the City Council. Parties will be notified if the complaint will be included on a subsequent agenda. | ||
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VIEW THE MEETING via CitiCABLE Channel 3 (Spectrum) and Channel 31 (Frontier), streaming on TorranceCA.Gov, Facebook @ City of Torrance CA Government, and YouTube Channel TorranceCitiCABLE. | ||
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PARTICIPATE BEFORE THE MEETING by submitting a public comment on the OneMeeting Public Portal at https://torranceca.primegov.com/public/portal?fromiframe=true. Hard copies of public comment may be submitted to the City Clerk’s Office during regular business hours. All comments submitted before 5:30 p.m. on Monday, January 13, 2025, will be published for public review prior to the meeting. Comments received after 5:30 p.m., but prior to the adjournment of the meeting will be added to the record. | ||
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The agenda was posted on the Public Notice Board at 3031 Torrance Blvd and on the City’s Website on Wednesday, January 8, 2025 /s/ Rebecca Poirier | ||
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The City Council meeting begins with Closed Session at 5:00 p.m.. and then regular session at 6:30p.m.. The City Council may take action on any item listed on the agenda. |
Councilmember Kaji – Flag Salute
Councilmember Kalani - Invocation
7. | ORAL COMMUNICATIONS #1 (Limited up to a 15 minute period) This portion of the meeting is reserved for comment on items under the Consent Calendar or items that are not on the agenda. Under the Ralph M. Brown Act, City Council cannot act on items raised during public comment but may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed; request clarification; or refer the item to staff. Speakers under Orals are limited to either Oral Communications #1 or Oral Communications #2 and no longer than 1 minute per speaker. If presenting handout material to Council, please provide 11 copies to the City Clerk before speaking. |
8. | CONSENT CALENDAR Matters listed under the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be pulled by a Councilmember from the Consent Calendar and considered separately. |
8A. | City Manager – Adopt RESOLUTION Setting Forth Hours, Wages, and Working Conditions for Police Trainees and Fire Recruits. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council:
8B. | City Manager – Adopt RESOLUTION Setting Forth the Hours, Wages, and Working Conditions for Torrance Fire Chief Officers Association and Fire Safety Management Employees. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council adopt a RESOLUTION amending Torrance Fire Chief Officers Association Resolution 2014-03 and Fire Safety Management Resolutions 2017-30, 2018-63, 2019-84, and 2024-68 setting forth the hours, wages, and working conditions for Fire Safety Management employees. |
8C. | City Manager – Adopt RESOLUTION Setting Forth Hours, Wages, and Working Conditions for Certain Part-Time Hourly Employees. Expenditure: $306,739 (General Fund: Approximately $76,685 Annually). Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council:
8D. | City Manager – Adopt RESOLUTION Pursuant to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Setting Forth Hours, Wages, and Working Conditions for Torrance Recurrent Recreation Employees Organization (TRREO). Expenditure: $525,684 (General Fund: Approximately $131,421 Annually). Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council adopt a RESOLUTION pursuant to memorandum of understanding (MOU) setting forth the hours, wages, and working conditions for employees represented by the Torrance Recurrent Recreation Employees Organization (TRREO) for the period beginning January 1, 2025 and ending June 30, 2028. |
8E. | General Services and Fire – Adopt California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Categorical Exemption Pursuant to Section 15301 and Approve Third Amendment to Contract Services Agreement for Fire Station 4 Renovation. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the General Services Director and Fire Chief that City Council:
8F. | City Manager – Approve Amendment to City of Torrance PARS Retirement Enhancement Plan. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council approve amendment to the City of Torrance PARS Retirement Enhancement Plan. |
8G. | Public Works – Adopt Categorical Exemption Under California Enivornmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15302(c), Approve Plans and Specifications, and Award a Public Works Agreement for Citywide Traffic Engineering and Improvements, T-190 (2024 Arterial Roadway Striping). Expenditure: $396,348 (Non-General Fund). Recommendation of the Public Works Director that City Council:
8H. | Community Development – Approve First Amendment to Consulting Services Agreement for Airport Noise Monitoring System. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the Community Development Director that City Council approve a first amendment to a consulting services agreement with Casper Airport Solutions of Berwyn, PA, (C2021-166) to extend the term for a one-year period beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2025. |
8I. | Civil Service Commission and Human Resources – Approve Title Change and Revised Class Specification for Assistant Building Regulations Manager. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the Civil Service Commission and Human Resources Director that City Council approve the title change and revised class specification for Assistant Building Regulations Manager. |
8J. | Civil Service Commission and Human Resources – Approve Proposed Class Specification for Engineering Services Manager. Expenditure: None Recommendation of the Civil Service Commission and Human Resources Director that City Council approve the proposed class specification for Engineering Services Manager. |
8K. | Civil Service Commission and Human Resources – Approve Proposed Class Specification for Senior Planner. Expenditure: None Recommendation of the Civil Service Commission and Human Resources Director that City Council approve the proposed class specification for Senior Planner. |
8L. | Police – Approve Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Application. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the Chief of Police that City Council approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program application. |
8M. | City Manager - Approve Amendment to Grant of Easement for Water Facilities on a Portion of City-Owned Property Located at 20500 Madrona Avenue. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council approve an Amendment to Grant of Easement to California Water Service Company for new water facilities on a portion of city-owned property located at 20500 Madrona Avenue. |
8N. | Police Department – Approve Third Amendment to Contract Services Agreement for Additional TASER Units and Enterprise Fusus Access. Expenditure: $233,584.65 (General Fund). Recommendation of the Chief of Police that City Council approve a third amendment to the contract services agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc. of Scottsdale, AZ (C2022-184) in the amount of $233,584.65, for a new not-to-exceed amount of $10,882,724.86 over a 10-year period beginning May 7, 2024 and ending May 6, 2034 to provide additional TASER units and Enterprise Fusus access. |
8O. | Community Services – Adopt California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Categorical Exemptions and Approve Lease Agreements for Use of City - Owned Properties as Youth Baseball Fields. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the Community Services Director that City Council:
9A. | City Manager – Conduct Closed Hearing on the Appeal of the Civil Service Commission’s Decision Sustaining the Termination of a Police Officer (11). Confidential under Penal Code 832.7 and Copley Press v. Superior Court 39 Cal. 4th 1272 (2006). Consideration of public employee discipline will be conducted in closed session per California Government Code Section 54957(b)(1), unless the employee requests to have the appeal conducted in public session. The deliberation of this matter by the City Council will occur in closed session. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council conduct a closed hearing to consider an appeal of the Civil Service Commission’s decision sustaining the termination of a Police Officer (11), unless the employee requests to have the hearing in public session and that the City Council’s deliberation of this matter shall occur in closed session. |
10A. | Environmental Quality and Energy Conservation Commission and Community Development – Review Guidelines for the Torrance Beautification Awards and Authorize Staff to Conduct Awards Annually. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the Environmental Quality and Energy Conservation Commission and Community Development Director that the City Council review the guidelines for the Torrance Beautification Awards and authorize staff to conduct the awards annually, with the first one taking place in the Spring of 2025. |
10B. | Community Development – Discuss and Consider Amendment to the Torrance Municipal Airport Ordinance, Determine California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Exemption, and Adopt an ORDINANCE Amending the Torrance Municipal Code as Related to Enforcement of the Airport Ordinance. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the Community Development Director that City Council:
10C. | Community Services – Review and Provide Direction on the Selection of Artworks to be Placed on Six Utility Boxes. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the Community Services Director that City Council review and provide direction on the selection of artworks to be placed on six utility boxes. |
10D. | City Clerk – Discuss and Consider Amending Torrance Municipal Code Regarding Changes to Commission Compensation. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Clerk that City Council:
10E. | City Manager – Review and Provide Direction on External Lighting Policy for City Facilities. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council review and provide direction on the External Lighting Policy for City Facilities. |
10F. | City Manager – Receive Update and Provide Direction on Annexation of El Camino Village. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council receive update and provide direction on the annexation of El Camino Village into the City of Torrance. |
10G. | Public Works – Identify Underground Utility District No. 21 and Set Hearing Date. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the Public Works Director that City Council:
10H. | City Council State and Federal Legislative Advocacy Committee – Review and Provide Direction on the 2025 Legislative Platform and Priority Projects, Accept and File Meeting Minutes, and Approve 2025 Delegation Trips. Expenditure: Approximately $20,000 (General Fund) Recommendation of the State and Federal Legislative Advocacy Committee that City Council:
10I. | City Manager – Discuss and Provide Direction on Establishment of Designated Beer Garden Area(s) and City Fee and Services Offsets for the 2025 Irish Fair and Music Festival at Charles H. Wilson Park. Expenditure: None. Recommendation of the City Manager that City Council:
12. | ORAL COMMUNICATIONS #2 (Limited up to a 15 minute period) |
This portion of the meeting is reserved for comment on items that are not on the agenda. Under the Ralph M. Brown Act, City Council cannot act on items raised during public comment but may respond briefly to statements made or questions posed; request clarification; or refer the item to staff. Speakers under Orals are limited to either Oral Communications #1 or Oral Communications #2 and no longer than 1 minute per speaker. If presenting handout material to Council, please provide 11 copies to the City Clerk before speaking.
13A. | PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (California Government Code § 54957(b)(1)):
Title: City Manager |
1. Property: 3301 Torrance Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90503 2200 Crenshaw Boulevard, Torrance, CA 90501 Agency Negotiator: Aram Chaparyan Negotiating Parties: City of Torrance and Cartozian Associates Real Estate, Inc. Under Negotiation: Price and terms and conditions of lease
2. Property: 2365 Plaza Del Amo, Torrance, CA 90501 Agency Negotiator: Aram Chaparyan Negotiating Parties: City of Torrance and Torrance Scouting Center, Inc. Under Negotiation: Price and terms and conditions of lease
3. Property: 2600 Skypark Drive, Torrance, CA 90505 Agency Negotiator: Aram Chaparyan Negotiating Parties: City of Torrance and Lisi Aerospace Under Negotiation: Price and terms and conditions of lease
4. Property: 3511-3525 Pacific Coast Highway, Torrance, CA 90505 Agency Negotiator: Aram Chaparyan Negotiating Parties: City of Torrance and JAS Madison LLC Under Negotiation: Price and terms and conditions of lease |
(California Government Code § 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: Aram Chaparyan Employee Organization/Association: 1. Certain Full-Time Salaried and Hourly Employees 2. Certain Part-Time Hourly Employees 3. Crossing Guards 4. Elected Officials 5. Engineers and Torrance Fiscal Employees Association 6. Executive & Management Employees 7. Police & Fire Trainees 8. Safety Management Employees 9. Torrance City Employees Association 10. Fire Safety Management 11. Torrance Fire Fighters Association 12. Torrance Library Employees Association 13. Torrance Municipal Employees/AFSCME Local 1117 AFL-CIO 14. Torrance Police Commanders Association (TPCA) 15. Torrance Police Officers Association 16. Torrance Professional Parks & Recreation Employee Organization 17. Torrance Professional & Supervisory Association 18. Torrance Recurrent Recreational Employees Organization 19. City Treasurer 20. City Attorney 21. City Manager |
13D. | CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (California Government Code § 54956.9(d)(1)):
1. City of Torrance v. Hi-Shear Corporation USDC Case No. 2:17-cv-07732-DSF-JPR
2. California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. R4-2020-0003 June 13, 2020
3. California Regional Water Quality Control Board Order No. R4-2021-0079 June 18, 2021 |
13E. | PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE (California Government Code § 54957) |
Adjournment of City Council meeting to Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. for closed session, with regular business commencing at 6:30 p.m. in the LeRoy J. Jackson Council Chamber.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 is a City Council Dark Night. |